Discover Our Exciting New Features

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website. Our primary goal during the redesign process was to create a more valuable, user centered website for our customers. Specifically, we wanted to focus on making it easier for our users to learn and locate valuable information about our products and services for not only our first time visitors, but for our loyal customers as well.

New Features

Custom Tack Inquiry Forms

We're excited to introduce our Custom Tack Inquiry Form. This is your first step towards creating your ideal tack. Simply share your initial ideas with us, and we'll respond with design mockups. Together, we'll refine the details until we craft a piece that truly meets your needs. This collaborative process ensures you get the perfect tack tailored to your preferences.

Repair Request Forms

We understand that wear and tear is inevitable. To ensure your tack lasts longer, we have introduced Repair Request Forms. If your tack needs a little TLC, all you have to do is fill out a repair request form detailing the issues, and our skilled team will get your equipment back to its best in no time.

Bundled Items

We believe that good things come in packages! With that in mind, we now offer Bundled Items. These bundles are curated with our customers in mind, combining our top-selling products at a discounted rate. It's an easy and affordable way to stock up on your favorite items or to try something new.

Blog for Updates

To keep you up-to-date with all things Weber Tack, we have launched this blog. Here, we will share product updates, company news, equestrian tips, and more. Make sure to check back regularly or subscribe to our newsletter to never miss a post.

We hope that you enjoy the fresh look and feel of our updated website and find that it serves as a valuable resource for you. We are committed to keeping our customers informed and meeting their needs to the best of our ability. As we move forward, we have a lot of exciting updates in store, so stay tuned!

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